Hi there! Welcome to my public notes page. This is a space for me to share detailed notes on the podcasts, books, and articles that really resonate with me. You can follow me on Twitter **@dickiebush.**
I'm an investor working and living in NYC. In my free time, I write uncommon thoughts on health, wealth, wisdom, and strategy at **dickiebush.com.**
<aside> 💡 I write a weekly newsletter Dickie's Digest with uncommon thoughts on health, wealth, and wisdom. It would be great if you subscribed.
Data-Driven Twitter Writing Dashboard
Dickie's Digest Favorite Podcast Episodes
Dickie's Digest Favorite Articles of 2020
Dickie's Digest Favorite Newsletters
PREMIUM VERSION - Dickie's Digest Favorite Podcast Episodes
PREVIEW: Dickie's Digest Favorite Podcast Episodes
YCombinator Startup School Curriculum Notes
The Founder's Journal | Alex Lieberman of Morning Brew ☕️
The Ladders of Wealth Creation | ConvertKit CEO Nathan Barry
[PODCAST] Tyler Cowen on the North Star Podcast with David Perell
[PODCAST] Derek Sivers on The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish
The All-Time Favorite Reads of 20 Business Power Players
My 10 Go-To Reflection Questions
[Ship30for30.com Atomic Essays Dashboard](https://dickieb.notion.site/Ship30for30-com-Atomic-Essays-Dashboard-e49422d2c5bd4737a59002b6c9404c77)
[Official Ship30for30.com Atomic Essays Dashboard](https://dickieb.notion.site/Official-Ship30for30-com-Atomic-Essays-Dashboard-ac5872f411094fab8560633157fb3211)